The Bassics® Omni Preamp/Bass Switcher is a very versatile device that can be used for a multitude of applications.
It is the perfect stomp box to instantly change from one instrument to another, say from fretted to fretless, or upright. Heck, Malcolm Toft has even done the unthinkable and put in a mix switch to run both channels at the same time! RRP £199
It can be used to switch between two different instruments (fretted to fretless, or electric to upright) or between individual line level sources, each with their own volume control. It can also be used as a two channel mixer at the flick of a switch, as a studio quality DI box or a practice amp. A handy mute switch is provided to mute all signals.
A unique feature is the unit’s ability to connect to any power supply between +9 volts to +18 volts AC or DC, positive or negative polarity. It just needs the standard 2.5mm connector. Once this is connected, the controls will light up to show that power is applied.
Turn all controls to their minimum position (anti-clockwise) and make sure the mute switch is not activated (when muted, no controls will illuminate). To use as a switcher between two sources, plug one source into rear input jack 1 and the other to rear input jack 2. Make sure the front panel toggle switch is set to ‘IND’. Turn the ‘Output’ control to maximum and select the required input by using the ‘INPUT’ select footswitch. The activated input level control will be illuminated. Turnthe input level control, clockwise until the level indicator lights flicker between ‘0’ and ‘+6’.
The ‘Output’ control can be adjusted so that there is the right amount of level to feed your amplifier. If it is not enough even with the output control at maximum, it is quite safe to increase the input level control unless distortion becomes audible. The same procedure can be carried out for input 2.
To use as a mixer, the procedure is exactly the same as above, except that the front panel toggleswitch should be selected to ‘MIX’.
The XLR balanced DI output on the rear of the Omni Pre provides a studio quality balanced signal that can be connected either to a studio mixing console or a PA mixer.
A headphone output is provided on the right side of the device so that headphones (or ear buds) can be used without the need for an amplifier.